Action Item Email

To use the email feature, HR3pay's email functionality must have been configured previously, via HR3pay. See email settings for more information.


Field Explanation
To Enter the email address of the recipient. To search for an email address from a contact, click To and enter the name of the recipient in the search field.
Subject Enter a subject for the email.
Message Body In main blank section of the message window, type in the text of the email message.
Categories If relevant, select a category for the email.
Send Once the email details are complete, click Send. This will send the email and save a copy of it to the listing in the Action Items window. Note that you cannot save a draft copy of an email.
Close If you click Close prior to Sending the email, a warning message is displayed because the email will not be saved.


When you add or edit entries in this window, the Editing Toolbar will be displayed. The functions available using this toolbar are described fully in The Editing Toolbar.